Getting Setup for the Workshop

Computer Setup

The workshop is hands-on data analysis, and in an effort to make the class entirely portable and reproducible, we are providing a Virtual Machine to run the workshop on. A virtual machine is like a small, simplified Operating System that operates within your existing computer and allows for a controlled computing environment.

Alternatively, if you’re comfortable with R and GitHub, you can likely get this analysis to easily work on your existing computer. We’ll provide instructions for setup using both methods below.

Option 2-

If you have your own RStudio working environment and access to GitHub, you can setup your own computer to perform the analyses that are part of this workshop. You also need to install the program Plink, and make sure to get version 2.

Open Rstudio and type the following in your Console:

install.packages(c("ggplot2", "vcfR", "reshape2", "adegenet", "hierfstat", "pcadapt", "tidyr","rmarkdown", "knitr"))

Clone the course repository to your computer:

git clone

Now, you’re ready to go!