Working with SNP Data

Quick Filtering and Management of Array Data

This actually happens outside of R. A cool feature of RStudio

Filter by missing genotypes, missing individuals and create a VCF File

plink2 --bfile ../Example_Data/final --recode vcf id-paste=iid --out ../Processed_Data/array --allow-extra-chr --mind 0.1 --geno 0.05 --max-alleles 2 --min-alleles 2 --chr 1-10

Here, we are using the program plink to convert the files we got from the genotyping service (final.ped, final.bed, final.fam). This command has several options:

--bfile ../Example_Data/final this is saying the input is a binary and ../Example_Data/final is a relative PATH to the data files. In the virtual machine, this could aslo be written as /home/eogwparticipant/NACE_MAS_Genomics_Workshop/Example_Data or ~/NACE_MAS_Genomics_Workshop/Example_Data

--recode vcf id-paste=iid is telling it to recode the file as a VCF file using the “individual id” from the .fam file as the individual label

--out array is telling it to name the output files with the prefix “array”

--allow-extra-chr is a Plink specific setting needed when you’re not working with human data

Important part

--mind 0.1 This is saying we only want individuals with less than 10% missing data

--geno 0.05 This is saying we only want SNPs with less than 5% missing data

--max-alleles 2 --min-alleles 2 This says we only want SNPs with two alleles

--chr 1-10 This says we only want nuclear SNPs. The array has other markser on it including mtDNA and pathogens, “chr 1-10” means only the SNPs on the 10 oyster genome chromosomes

It will help us to have both a .bed file and .vcf later one. The code below does the same as the above, but outputs a .bed file instead

plink2 --bfile ../Example_Data/final --make-bed  --mind 0.1 --geno 0.05 --max-alleles 2 --min-alleles 2 --chr 1-10 --allow-extra-chr --out ../Processed_Data/array

Import data into R

Now we’re ready to import that data into R for processing. We will first use the library vcfR to do this


   *****       ***   vcfR   ***       *****
   This is vcfR 1.15.0 
     browseVignettes('vcfR') # Documentation
     citation('vcfR') # Citation
   *****       *****      *****       *****
my_vcf <- read.vcfR("../Processed_Data/array.vcf")
Scanning file to determine attributes.
File attributes:
  meta lines: 15
  header_line: 16
  variant count: 60517
  column count: 54

Meta line 15 read in.
All meta lines processed.
gt matrix initialized.
Character matrix gt created.
  Character matrix gt rows: 60517
  Character matrix gt cols: 54
  skip: 0
  nrows: 60517
  row_num: 0

Processed variant 1000
Processed variant 2000
Processed variant 3000
Processed variant 4000
Processed variant 5000
Processed variant 6000
Processed variant 7000
Processed variant 8000
Processed variant 9000
Processed variant 10000
Processed variant 11000
Processed variant 12000
Processed variant 13000
Processed variant 14000
Processed variant 15000
Processed variant 16000
Processed variant 17000
Processed variant 18000
Processed variant 19000
Processed variant 20000
Processed variant 21000
Processed variant 22000
Processed variant 23000
Processed variant 24000
Processed variant 25000
Processed variant 26000
Processed variant 27000
Processed variant 28000
Processed variant 29000
Processed variant 30000
Processed variant 31000
Processed variant 32000
Processed variant 33000
Processed variant 34000
Processed variant 35000
Processed variant 36000
Processed variant 37000
Processed variant 38000
Processed variant 39000
Processed variant 40000
Processed variant 41000
Processed variant 42000
Processed variant 43000
Processed variant 44000
Processed variant 45000
Processed variant 46000
Processed variant 47000
Processed variant 48000
Processed variant 49000
Processed variant 50000
Processed variant 51000
Processed variant 52000
Processed variant 53000
Processed variant 54000
Processed variant 55000
Processed variant 56000
Processed variant 57000
Processed variant 58000
Processed variant 59000
Processed variant 60000
Processed variant: 60517
All variants processed

Above, we load the library and then use a function to read our vcf and store it as my_vcf

Calculating heterozygosity

.vcf and .bed files do not contain information about populations or localities. We need to tell our analyses which individuals below to which populations. To do this, one was is to use a simple text table. We can read the one I made for this data like so:

table <- read.table("../Example_Data/strata", header = TRUE)
  Individual Population
1         B1       PopB
2         B2       PopB
3         B3       PopB
4         B4       PopB
5         B5       PopB
6         B6       PopB
poplist.names <- table$Population

As you can see our data has 45 individuals total, 15 in PopA, 15 in PopB, and 15 in PopC.

Next, the package vcfR can actually calculate heterozygosity for our data using the genetic_diff function

het_results <- genetic_diff(my_vcf, pop=as.factor(poplist.names), method= 'nei')

  CHROM   POS    Hs_PopA    Hs_PopB   Hs_PopC        Ht n_PopA n_PopB n_PopC
1     1 29363 0.27777778 0.37500000 0.2933673 0.3171985     30     28     28
2     1 30115 0.32000000 0.46444444 0.4800000 0.4367901     30     30     30
3     1 30567 0.23111111 0.32000000 0.3200000 0.2923457     30     30     30
4     1 32192 0.06444444 0.06444444 0.2311111 0.1244444     30     30     30
5     1 38807 0.23111111 0.19132653 0.1244444 0.1836260     30     28     30
6     1 44310 0.46444444 0.49777778 0.4200000 0.4701235     30     30     30
          Gst     Htmax    Gstmax   Gprimest
1 0.008484553 0.7709573 0.5920563 0.01433065
2 0.035048050 0.8071605 0.4778220 0.07334960
3 0.006756757 0.7634568 0.6196636 0.01090391
4 0.035714286 0.7066667 0.8301887 0.04301948
5 0.008371844 0.7270145 0.7495390 0.01116932
6 0.019957983 0.8202469 0.4382902 0.04553600

You can see that this dataframe has the value calculated per SNP (each row). We can take a look at the columns that we are interested in and then take the mean values to get the mean genome-wide values

     Hs_PopA    Hs_PopB   Hs_PopC        Ht
1 0.27777778 0.37500000 0.2933673 0.3171985
2 0.32000000 0.46444444 0.4800000 0.4367901
3 0.23111111 0.32000000 0.3200000 0.2923457
4 0.06444444 0.06444444 0.2311111 0.1244444
5 0.23111111 0.19132653 0.1244444 0.1836260
6 0.46444444 0.49777778 0.4200000 0.4701235
round(colMeans(het_results[,c(3:6)], na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
Hs_PopA Hs_PopB Hs_PopC      Ht 
  0.254   0.272   0.281   0.291 

Hs_PopA is the observed heterozygostiy for PopA and so on. Ht is the observed across all individuals.

Plotting heterozygosity

I’m a fan of ggplot, but in order to use ggplot we need data in a “tidy” format. We can use the package reshape to do this for us

het_df <- melt(het_results[,c(3:6)], varnames=c('Index', 'Sample'), = 'Heterozygosity', na.rm=TRUE)
No id variables; using all as measure variables
  variable Heterozygosity
1  Hs_PopA     0.27777778
2  Hs_PopA     0.32000000
3  Hs_PopA     0.23111111
4  Hs_PopA     0.06444444
5  Hs_PopA     0.23111111
6  Hs_PopA     0.46444444

Now we can easily plot with ggplot. I’m going to use a simple box plot.

p <- ggplot(het_df, aes(x=variable, y=Heterozygosity)) + geom_boxplot(fill="#1F78B4")
p <- p + xlab("Population")
p <- p + ylab("Observed Heterozygosity")
p <- p + theme_bw() + ggtitle("Observed Heterozygosity by population and total")

Calculating FIS (Inbreeding Coeffecient)

Loading required package: ade4

   /// adegenet 2.1.10 is loaded ////////////

   > overview: '?adegenet'
   > tutorials/doc/questions: 'adegenetWeb()' 
   > bug reports/feature requests: adegenetIssues()
my_genind <- vcfR2genind(my_vcf)
strata<- read.table("../Example_Data/strata", header=TRUE)
strata_df <- data.frame(strata)

strata(my_genind) <- strata_df

setPop(my_genind) <- ~Population

Attaching package: 'hierfstat'
The following objects are masked from 'package:adegenet':

    Hs, read.fstat
basicstat <- basic.stats(my_genind, diploid = TRUE, digits = 3)
           Length Class      Mode   
n.ind.samp 181551 -none-     numeric
pop.freq    60517 -none-     list   
Ho         181551 -none-     numeric
Hs         181551 -none-     numeric
Fis        181551 -none-     numeric
perloc         10 data.frame list   
overall        10 -none-     numeric
               PopB   PopA   PopC
AX.574114010  0.458  0.774  0.772
AX.564298109  0.030  0.200  0.200
AX.564298112 -0.217 -0.120 -0.217
AX.574114011  0.000  0.000  0.451
AX.563423214 -0.083 -0.120 -0.037
AX.575660822 -0.037  0.030  0.548
fis_df <- melt(basicstat$Fis, varnames=c('Index', 'Sample'), = 'FIS', na.rm=TRUE)
p <- ggplot(fis_df, aes(x=Sample, y=FIS)) + geom_boxplot(fill="#1F78B4", notch= FALSE)
p <- p + xlab("Population")
p <- p + ylab("FIS")
p <- p + theme_bw() + ggtitle("FIS by population")

Works cited and acknowledgements

Code for this tutorial was adapted from the following sources:

  3. Documentation from the Adegenet R Package